Thursday 8 January 2015

the Shadow Archetype

the Shadow Archetype.

This entry, now does pertain to present the very view that, African Spirituality, and if not speak of an African Theology in all, is best said grounded, and in speak of the so termed Shadow Archetype, and not speak of the Unconscious truly either. That for those in all, who do in all again do truly attempt to study, African Spiritual/Religious Systems in all, the very belief, that they are in all argain believed grounded and in speak of the Unconscious in all, and in speak too of African culture, and as simply said Oracular, and not Ethical truly either.

In having said this, that African Epistemologies in all, and in speak too of African Cosmology, do in all even refer and to speak of the Unconscious and if not the Oracular truly, there is believed that there does exist African Religion in all, and that is said grounded and in speak of the Shadow Archetype, and which in all, can help Africans, define themselves and in an everyday manner too in all, and that does speak even, and of simply perhaps the very manner we do in all define Regret in our lives, and as with it all even said concordant, and to that seen in many a place outside Africa too that is [that Africans and in speak of Regret, now does in all even speak of whom/who in all they are, and from said Ancestral Traditions in Africa, and in speak too and of Africa and as said in Crisis, Conflict or in Crux too that is].

In many a way, is to perhaps say here that, the old World, that believed said not Technological and as the Modern/Western World is said to be, and in perhaps saying that, the Modern/Western World does in all even speak of the Shadow Archetype, for the old World in all, did in all even speak truly of the Unconscious in many a way. That in all, Africa, and in speak of the Unconscious, does not in all even speak of Egypt in many a way truly. For in Egypt, and where the Unconscious is said believed associated with the Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt, and with speak of the Unconscious in Egypt, helping give birth to the Unconscious in all, and in Italy and Europe too, one does in all though find, a huge in interest in Egypt, and in speak of Egyptomania and not Egyptology truly either, and that does associate the Unconscious, and with Egyptian Symbolism in itself that is. While the Unconscious in Italy, is said to go along and with speak of the Poet and Italy (and with the Victorians too, having envisioned their Poetry, and in speak of the Unconscious too in all), that in Europe in many a way, does come to be associated and with speak of the Wolf that is [and in basic speak here, and of the European Fairy Tale too for instance]. In all, and unknown to most, the African Unconscious, not only said to speak of African Crosses, but in its very depths, truly associated and with speak of Serpent life forms in Africa, and as in stating here that, the Egyptians in all, did not truly envision the Unconscious, and in speak of Serpents that is [that the African Cross, or Crucifix too in all, does in all even refer and to speak of Serpents in all that is].

It is in speak though of the Shadow Archetype, and that in many a way, the so termed here 'Treasures of Egypt', do in all become real, and as with it all even said to speak of the very much popularized Tale, Dumas, and of the Count of Monte Cristo that is. 

In all again, and in speak here and of the very manner Africans do define Regret, and as with it all even said to speak of the very manner we do in all define Happiness and in our lives today, and as with it all even now said too, and in speak of Africa that is, to specifically refer and to the Ancestral, and as simply here said to speak of the Autobiographical, or the Biographical too that is. A manner in all and of defining Regret or Happiness, believed by many not true to the World and as it is today, but in all ways truly, speak here now, and of Africans, and as simply said not accepting of themselves and as such that is. 

In many a way, speak now, and of defining what the Shadow Archetype is said to speak of and in speak of Regret too in many a way, and in speak now of Africans, and as perhaps realizing in all, Success in the World today, does in all even speak and of redefining oneself and in speak of African Heritages in all, and in speak now too, and of an African Metaphysics too that is. 

In having Africans in all now perceive themselves, differently in all, and away too perhaps and from speak of the African Unconscious, and onwards and to speak of who/who in all Africans are said to be, and in speak of Regret and the Shadow Archetype too, speak now and of associating African Religion, and with the Metaphysical too and in its ways/manners that is, but in all ways truly, it all very much hinting and at de-constructing African Heritages that is, and as now referring and to speak of Africa and Japan, and in speak of Agnosticism for instance, speak of Africa and India, and in speak of Pantheism too, speak of Africa and Saudi Arabia, and in speak of Omnism, speak of Africa and Italy, and in speak of Deism, speak of Africa and Europe, and in speak of Humanism, and finally speak of Africa and America, and in speak of Objectivism in all that is.

In many a way, the above and as helping Africans in all develop societies, and that do in all probably help one see Reality and as it truly is, and in speak now and of it all said to speak of Regret, and the very redefining and of Good and Bad, and in our very lives too that is.