Sunday 11 January 2015

the Qur'an

The Qur'an.

The Qur'an in many a way, is believed said to differ, and from speak of the Koran or Qu'ran, and as with regards and to speak of Categorization in all [and in speak too here, and of Packaging/Delineation for instance].

In many a way though, the very reason we do attempt to speak of the Qur'an here, and as referred truly and as a Holy Book, does in all even have to do, and with speak of Design in all, and of society too, and as perceived and from speak of Probability / 'Probable Realities', and Profiling/Mediation, and as versus speak of Reason/Sylloligism and Logicisms too that is.

In helping one understand the Qur'an and from an African perspective though, and in helping us in all truly see our Realities and as they truly are, speak now and of the meshing together perhaps, and of a said here African Tao/Taoism too, and as speaking in all and of African Masks in themselves, and as said bringing together Art, Divination, Money/Materials, Offerings/Sacrifice and speak too of Media/Presentation in itself that is [and in speak of the studying of Probability and Discrete Mathematics too that is].

That in helping one in all view the Benefits in all again, and of the above, and of Reality now, simply said and to speak too and of Probability and Profiling/Mediation, speak now of it all and as used, and in the developing of an Individual Psychology (and in speak too of Modernism, and as referring and to speak of Trends / Underlying Currents), speak of Communal/Community/Collective Make-up (Uniformity, Totality, Composite, Wholeness etc,), and if not speak of Knowledge Systems [ Ancient (Arithmetic, Geometric, Algebraic, Calculus etc.), Western (Indigenous, Native, Tribal, Ethnic, Traditionalist, Modern etc.), or those said Religious (Artistic, Scientific, Cultural, Ethnographical, Institutional etc.)].