Sunday 15 March 2015



This very entry, now does propose that, life today, is probably best viewed in all, and from speak too of Commitment, and not in speak of Determination either that is. That most today, do believe life in all, and to very much exist and in speak of Determination, and if not speak too of the Dedication, and as referring, and to what does in all even go along in all and with speak too of Success that is.

In speaking of Commitment though, now speak too, and of what most do in all even believe, to speak of a base Media, and that does in all even attempt, to very much explain our Surroundings that is. That most in all, and in regards and to speak of Commitment, and not Determination truly either, now do in all even associate what they do term Desperation that is, or speak too of our notions of shame or survival and in instinct too, and in speak and of what one could term Involvement, but in further speak too of the Engagement that is. That in all, it is what in all, one is said Involved in, and that does in all even determine ones fate in all again, and in speak too of Outcomes, while what we do in all even Engage in, now does speak too, and of what they do term Outlooks that is.

In helping make all this too clear, whom/who in all we are said to be, today, and in Desperation too, now does refer and to speak of life and as said experienced in all, and in further speak too of Taboo, Spite and Belongingness that is. That in speak of Taboo, speak now and of most today, and as defined and in speak of Ignorance, and if not speak too of being Ignored that is, and in a said generic sense that is. In speak of Spite, speak now and of Safety in itself, and in speak too of our very environments in all, and as said associated and with speak of Crime, Violence and Offences too that is. In speak of Belongingness, speak now of it all, and as said defining us and in Attitude too that is.

In all, the very belief that, Commitment, now does speak too and of whom/who in all we are in Death, and as versus speak too of Determination, and which does speak too of us, and in Misery that is.